Feijoada Nutritiva Vegana — Vegan Black Bean Feijoada

I’ve decided to write the recipes in both Portuguese and English, to see if I can get more people to float by, I’ll have to take some pictures too.



3 colheres de sopa de feijão preto

2 colheres de sopa de feijão vermelho

1 colher de sopa de feijão frade

1 colher de feijão branco

2 colher de grão de bico


1 cebola média picada grosseiramente

2 dentes de alho esmagados ou meio cm de gengibre

2 cravinhos da índia

uma pitada de canela

sal a gosto

1/3 de Chouriço de soja/seitan ou outro substituto de carne como soja desidratada e(q.b.)

  1. Passar os feijões em água e colocar durante uma noite ou um dia.

  2. Aquecer uma panela de pressão em lume brando e adicionar azeite, cebola, dentes de alho/ gengibre). Cozinhar até ficar um pouco transparente, adicionar cravinhos e canela e gengibre, cozinhar mais um pouco.

  3. Colocar os feijões na panela com a água em que esteve de molho, adicione água até ficar três centímetros acima dos feijões, dependerá do tempo de cozedura. Tapar a panela, aumentar o lume. Quando estiver a sair muito vapor, baixar para lume brando e cozinhar durante 15 minutos – 25 minutos, depende do tempo de molho e da sua preferência.

  4. Na mesma panela ou noutra, corrigir água se necessário, adicionar sal, e o chouriço cortado em rodelas. Cozinhar durante 5-10 minutos e servir com arroz, legumes cozidos.

Poderá adicionar tofu frito ou tofu firme ao feijão se for o prato principal.


I’ve decided to write the recipes in both Portuguese and English, to see if I can get more people to float by, I’ll have to take some pictures too.



3 tbsp black beans

2 tbsp red beans

1 tbsp black eyed peas

1 tbsp white beans

2 tbsp chickpeas


1 medium onion roughly chopped

2 crushed garlic cloves or half cm of ginger

2 cloves

a pinch of cinnamon

salt to taste

1/3 soy/seitan chorizo or another meat substitute or dried soya(q.b.)

  1. Wash all the beans and chickpea. Store in a bowl and let it soak overnight or for a day.

  2. Heat a pressure pan in low heat, add olive oil, onion, crushed garlic cloves/ginger. Cook until it starts to become a little translucid, add in garlic or ginger, cloves, and cinnamon, cook for a while.

  3. Put the beans in the pressure pan with the water in which it soaked, and add water 3 cm above the beans. The cooking time will vary according to the soaking time. Cover the pan, turn to maximum heat. When the steam is on max, put fire on lowest and cook for 15-25 minutes, dependent of the soaking time and texture preference.

  4. In the same pan (you can transfer to another pan), correct the water if necessary, add salt, chorizo  or substitute. Cook for  5-10 minutes and serve with rice, or cooked vegetables.

You can add fried tofu or firm tofu to the feijoada if you are aiming for a main course.

Vegan Spinach Spaghetti Sauce

I was looking for a simple recipe to use my spinach on. Since the woman who cooks only knows how to boil vegetables. Boiled spinach leaves a unconfortable feel on the teeth. Horrible, just horrible.


3 handfuls of spinach leaves

1 medium nicely chopped onion

1 cup of tomato sauce

2 cloves of garlic roughly chopped

1 natural soy yogurt

1 pinch of salt (to taste)

1 teaspoon of oregano (to taste)

¼ teaspoon of black pepper (to taste)

¼ teaspoon of dried basil (to taste)

  1. On low heat, heat the olive oil in a sauce pan, careful to not go over the smoking point, add in the chopped onions and garlic. Cook about 5 minutes until soft and translucid.
  2. Add the tomato sauce, add a pinch of salt, black pepper, oregano, basil to taste. Mix occasionaly for 3 minutes until the sauce has thickened, feel free to add more sauce!
  3. Meanwhile, roll the spinach leaves and thinly about half centimeter. And toss the spinach into the pan. Stir, and cook until the water from the spinach has evaporated.
  4. Add the soy yogurt, combine altogether

Serve with spaghetti or boiled vegetables! Eat it with bread. Feel free to reduce the tomato sauce and add more yogurt for a lighter version.